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Learning color will forever change how you think and paint. 

Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when we reopen.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed just by looking at your color palette?

If there’s anything I’ve learned after working with nearly 5000 artists in my art classes…

It’s that we all go through the same struggles when it comes to mastering the art of color and paint.

Color mixing results in mud. And the canvas always turns into a hot mess. 

And sadly, because it is a challenging skillset (when you don’t have the tools I’m about to show you), I see too many artists giving up because they think they “don't have the talent.”

But what you need to realize is...
Painting with Bold Abstract Color is
A Skillset That Anyone Can Learn!

Would you try an instrument and give up if it didn’t sound right on your first try?

Then why would it be any different when learning art?

And don’t tell me it’s because you can’t draw…

I’ll show you how drawing is a science, not an art, and anyone can draw a beautiful face! 

Just like any other skill, drawing, painting, and color can be mastered by ANYONE who wants to try.

  The MasterClass 

is the beginning of your color journey. At the end of this class you'll be bold in color, brushstroke, and voice.



Fundamentals so you can refresh your skills

 Foundational and in-depth teaching on the use of bold color 

 Self Paced Lessons so you can learn on your own time.

Live Events (with limited time replays)

Private Community right inside the Class Hub

Mindset trainings to overcome the fear of putting your work out into the world

All so you can create one thing...


Check out our growing community


This was an exceptional course. I learned SO much!!! Thank you so much Charla. You are a super talented artist, wonderful instructor and powerful visionary. 

Bold School team provided amazing and prompt support.

I have recommended the course and will continue to do so. Keep up the great work Bold School. With gratitude!!!"

- Satya Kumar


Charla's art is what brought me to the school and after seeing how much she puts into it gave me a whole new appreciation! So much I did not know about color theory is now making sense to me.

I could paint before Bold School but feel like I have been given the keys to originality!

I am ready to paint paint paint! I will wear out some brushes until I get how to use it all! The mentors are rockin' it! So Good!"

- Charlotte Champlin

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What's The Main Difference Between An Artist Who Can Paint Masterpieces

And the beginner whose work
look flat, cartoonish, and meaningless?

You might think it depends on:

→ How many years you’ve been painting
→ How much talent you have
→ Or if you've attended a prestigious art school 

But what actually matters, is learning how to…

Troubleshoot Your Art - To 'Fix' it - So That It Feels balanced, refined and reflects your creative vision.

After working with over 4000 students in my online art classes, I can say that learning to troubleshoot is the key difference between the beginner and the seasoned artist.

Every artist makes mistakes, the “pros” just know how to fix them

Sadly, all too often, I see artists give up on their work once they make a mistake...

They get frustrated and defeated when they look at their finished work and think:

"I know something is wrong, but I don’t know how to fix it!

Trust me, we’ve all been there! 
What I’ve discovered after analyzing hundreds of paintings…

Is there are fundamental processes that every artist can learn if they want to create better art.

Can you tell what's different between these two pieces? 

This is Reginie's before and after self portraits. 
(Bold Color Bootcamp Graduate)

Can you tell why the “Before” looks so flat compared to her second portrait?

The biggest mistakes artists make is lack of expression and form.

And as you can see from her final portrait, once Reginie learned how to use bold color with a full range of values the portrait really came to life!

What about this before and after? 

Check out this amazing before and after using the same color palette by Luzdy Rivera. 
(Bold Color Bootcamp Graduate and Now Mentor)

Even though Luzdy was already experimenting with vibrant colors can you see the difference an understanding in depth, form and detail can make?

It Really is That Simple! 

No matter where you are today, when you go through the Bold Color Masterclass you will be well on your way to a great understanding of how to express on canvas your own beautiful, unique vision. 

Registration Opens in 2024

Masterclass Community

→ Where you get expert feedback
→ So you aren't alone. 

Artists spend a lot of time alone in the studio which makes it easy to get in your own head too much. Our community is designed as a supportive environment to not just meet artists like you but to learn from each other and receive valuable and constructive feedback from our trained coaches. 

The Masterclass Community is exclusive to current Masterclass students. 

Mentors will be actively involved in the Masterclass community for the first 6 weeks the class is open. 

Graduates have the opportunity to move forward into BoldMasters+, where we offer advanced learning with mentors and our continually-growing  Library of Classes. 

The Masterclass has three main parts: 


Prime Your Skills in Acrylic and Color

We strongly believe that learning foundational skills and building on them is a crucial step to excellence in every area of life. And we truly believe in learning how to break every one of the rules that you learn. But first you must learn, and that's why you're here.

Prerequisite: All skill levels
Watchtime: 13 Lessons


Teaches Creative Freedom Through Bold Color

Build a strong foundation in bold color and find your courage as a unique artist. In this class with Charla, you'll learn simple steps to bring freedom into your art process. Move from recreating what you see to expressing what you feel. 

Prerequisite: Bold Color Primer
Watchtime: 39 Lessons


Create New Dynamic Color Palettes Every Time You Paint

Stop Mixing Mud

Like music, when you learn the main notes and how they work, you will be able to compose original work for the next 1000 years. The theory of color will set you on that path. 

Prerequisite: All Skill Levels
Watchtime: 38 Lessons

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You'll walk away from

The Masterclass 


New Studio Workflows

that align with your unique space and work ethic.

The Formula for Bold Color 

that works with all color palettes and painting styles. 

The Key to being a Courageous Artist 

that works especially when you're not feeling courageous or motivated.

Four Complete Bold Color Paintings 

that prove you can do it and set the stage for your own unique bold expression style. 

A Start-To-Finish Process 

including how to actually finish every painting strong.

Here's How It Works

Enroll in The Masterclass 

Join the Waitlist first 📌

Join the Private Community

Watch the Classes, Attend the Lives

Make Art That Matters


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When you enroll in the Bold Color Masterclass this fall, you get all of these Bonuses too! 


Paint a Bold Elephant

Paint a low key elephant on a textured canvas.

  1. The Planning Stages
  2. Texture, Low Key, Multicolor
  3. Color mixing
  4. Real-time Demo
  5. Troubleshooting


Color Wheel Reference

Create a valuable Studio reference so that you can more fully understand the paint colors you already own. 

1. Gather Your Paints
2. Uncover Their Relationships
3. Create Order and Understand the Properties

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Meet Your Team

Charla Maarschalk

Instructor and Mentor

Corey Moortgat

Core Mentor

Axel Martinez


Luzdy Rivera


Other Works by Charla 

Other Works by Corey 

âś” Bold Color Primer: Acrylic and Color 101 ($197 Value)
✔ Bold Color Bootcamp: Foundations in Bold Color ($497 Value)
✔ The Color Playbook: Color Theory decoded ($397 Value)
✔ Community: Troubleshooting, feedback and mentorship ($127 Value)
✔ Bonus 1: Bold Elephant ($127 Value)
✔ Bonus 2: Color Wheel Reference ($57 Value)
✔ Bonus 3: Q&A Live Sessions
Registration Opens Again in 2024




Student Gallery 

Questions you may have...

The Bold School Experience

Pricing and Payment

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Join the Bold Color Masterclass


You'll be the first to be notified with all the details when we open registration in the fall.Â